TELSTORM Corp. was retained to conduct full accessibility reviews for a significant number of Canada Post facilities across Canada to audit the existing access ingress for staff and public and to recommend improvements and upgrades to meet current accessibility requirements. The audits conformed to Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility guidelines and ratings systems, and to current CSA B651 accessibility code. Our audit team completed detailed field investigations and measurements including exterior parking, pathways to front entrance door, stairs and ramp structures, entrance door configurations, vestibule areas, lighting and pathways to service counters. We created detailed ratings reports outlining and grading each and every element as indicated within the Rick Hansen reporting format and provided a grade for each Element. In addition to the reports, we provide two separate concept designs for Canada Post to review and approve for design.

TELSTORM Corp. was retained to conduct full accessibility reviews for a significant number of Government of Ontario buildings to audit the existing access ingress for staff and public and to recommend improvements and upgrades to meet current AODA regulations. Elements reviewed included the condition of building exterior, site paving systems, building interior and related components. TELSTORM proceeded to provide full design upgrades for these sites to include for new barrier free parking stalls, barrier free pathways, upgraded access stairs and ramps, lighting, tactile strips and mats, signage, new handrail/guardrails and upgraded entrance doors with automatic door operators. TELSTORM’s services also included for tender support and contract administration.

TELSTORM Corp. was retained to replace a non-code compliant rear access ramp with a new compliant ramp and stair structure to provide accessibility access to bank patrons at the rear of the bank branch building. Demolition of the existing structure was coordinated with the branch, and new ramp, stairs, railings, guardrails and tactile strips/mats were installed. Since the rear access was not available during this construction, scheduling of the work was critical to ensure the design and construction was minimized. Efforts were exerted to provide cost effective and efficient design to minimize construction schedules. The building was also listed as a Heritage site therefore careful consideration was required during the permitting process to ensure all work met stringent design guidelines. TELSTORM provided all accessibility audit, design, tender and contract administration services.

TELSTORM Corp. was retained to provide design services for a full range of accessibility upgrades at a major mail sorting centre in east Toronto. The existing front entrance area was deficient from an accessibility point of view and the wearing surfaces were degrading and uneven. Accessibility upgrades included a new two-story elevator located at the exterior within the main entrance area, revised access stairs and ramp, re-working of interlock paver stones, new railings and guardrails, new tactile strips and mats, new code compliant entry doors and security gates, new code compliant internal ramp to access an internal Tim Horton’s retail store and new barrier free male/female washrooms on the second floor for Canada Post staff. TELSTORM provided all accessibility audit, design, tender and contract administration services.

TELSTORM Corp. was retained to replace an aging, non-code compliant access ramp and stair system with a new stair/ramp structure that meets all current accessibility requirements, and Canada Posts’ own internal accessibility standards. Demolition of the existing structure was coordinated with a working post office, and new ramp, stairs, railings, guardrails and tactile strips/mats were installed. TELSTORM provided all accessibility audit, design, tender and contract administration services.